Getting in touch
Please note that at this time I am not accepting new patients due to a full caseload. This page will be updated when I am once again accepting new patients. Please check out ADAA and IOCDF therapist directories if you are seeking a therapist who specializes in anxiety and OCD treatment.
e-mail: D[email protected]
Let's connect on Instagram! Office Address: 15800 Pines Boulevard Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 |
Both tele-health and in-person appointments are available
Masks required for in-person appointments
The cost of the initial intake consultation is $375 (75 minutes). At this time, we will discuss the challenges you or your child are facing. Importantly, we will talk through your specific goals and a treatment plan to help you meet your goals. Follow-up therapy appointments are $275 per session (50 minutes). Typically, we'll meet on a weekly basis, but scheduling varies depending on each person's needs.
Unfortunately, I am not an in-network insurance provider. Upon request, I will provide documentation so that you can file with your insurance company for out-of-network reimbursement. For help with reimbursement for out-of-network costs, you may want to check out Reimbursify (I do not have a relationship with them. I simply believe that this service can help some individuals who would like extra support when submitting insurance claims.)
Unfortunately, I am not an in-network insurance provider. Upon request, I will provide documentation so that you can file with your insurance company for out-of-network reimbursement. For help with reimbursement for out-of-network costs, you may want to check out Reimbursify (I do not have a relationship with them. I simply believe that this service can help some individuals who would like extra support when submitting insurance claims.)